/* * shell_pwd.c */ #include #include #include #include #include "lub/string.h" #include "private.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_shell__init_pwd(clish_shell_pwd_t *pwd) { pwd->line = NULL; pwd->view = NULL; pwd->pargv = NULL; pwd->cmd = NULL; pwd->prefix = NULL; /* Init VARs */ pwd->viewid = lub_list_new(clish_var_compare, clish_var_delete); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_shell__fini_pwd(clish_shell_pwd_t *pwd) { lub_string_free(pwd->line); lub_string_free(pwd->cmd); if (pwd->prefix) lub_string_free(pwd->prefix); pwd->view = NULL; clish_pargv_delete(pwd->pargv); /* Free VARs */ lub_list_free_all(pwd->viewid); } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ void clish_shell__set_pwd(clish_shell_t *this, const char *line, clish_view_t *view, const char *viewid, clish_context_t *context) { clish_shell_pwd_t **tmp; size_t new_size = 0; unsigned int i; unsigned int index = clish_view__get_depth(view); clish_shell_pwd_t *newpwd; const clish_command_t *full_cmd = clish_context__get_cmd(context); /* Create new element */ newpwd = malloc(sizeof(*newpwd)); assert(newpwd); clish_shell__init_pwd(newpwd); /* Resize the pwd vector */ if (index >= this->pwdc) { new_size = (index + 1) * sizeof(clish_shell_pwd_t *); tmp = realloc(this->pwdv, new_size); assert(tmp); this->pwdv = tmp; /* Initialize new elements */ for (i = this->pwdc; i <= index; i++) { clish_shell_pwd_t *pwd = malloc(sizeof(*pwd)); assert(pwd); clish_shell__init_pwd(pwd); this->pwdv[i] = pwd; } this->pwdc = index + 1; } /* Fill the new pwd entry */ newpwd->line = line ? lub_string_dup(line) : NULL; newpwd->view = view; newpwd->pargv = clish_pargv_clone(clish_context__get_pargv(context)); if (full_cmd) { const clish_command_t *cmd = clish_command__get_cmd(full_cmd); newpwd->cmd = lub_string_dup(clish_command__get_name(cmd)); if (cmd != full_cmd) { const char *full_cmd_name = clish_command__get_name(full_cmd); const char *cmd_name = clish_command__get_name(cmd); int len = strlen(full_cmd_name) - strlen(cmd_name); if (len > 1) newpwd->prefix = lub_string_dupn(full_cmd_name, len - 1); } } clish_shell__expand_viewid(viewid, newpwd->viewid, context); clish_shell__fini_pwd(this->pwdv[index]); free(this->pwdv[index]); this->pwdv[index] = newpwd; this->depth = index; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_pwd_line(const clish_shell_t *this, unsigned int index) { if (index >= this->pwdc) return NULL; return this->pwdv[index]->line; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_pargv_t *clish_shell__get_pwd_pargv(const clish_shell_t *this, unsigned int index) { if (index >= this->pwdc) return NULL; return this->pwdv[index]->pargv; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_pwd_cmd(const clish_shell_t *this, unsigned int index) { if (index >= this->pwdc) return NULL; return this->pwdv[index]->cmd; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_pwd_prefix(const clish_shell_t *this, unsigned int index) { if (index >= this->pwdc) return NULL; return this->pwdv[index]->prefix; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ char *clish_shell__get_pwd_full(const clish_shell_t * this, unsigned int depth) { char *pwd = NULL; unsigned int i; for (i = 1; i <= depth; i++) { const char *str = clish_shell__get_pwd_line(this, i); /* Cannot get full path */ if (!str) { lub_string_free(pwd); return NULL; } if (pwd) lub_string_cat(&pwd, " "); lub_string_cat(&pwd, "\""); lub_string_cat(&pwd, str); lub_string_cat(&pwd, "\""); } return pwd; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ clish_view_t *clish_shell__get_pwd_view(const clish_shell_t * this, unsigned int index) { if (index >= this->pwdc) return NULL; return this->pwdv[index]->view; } /*--------------------------------------------------------- */ int clish_shell__set_socket(clish_shell_t * this, const char * path) { if (!this || !path) return -1; konf_client_free(this->client); this->client = konf_client_new(path); return 0; } CLISH_SET_STR(shell, lockfile); CLISH_GET_STR(shell, lockfile); CLISH_SET(shell, int, log_facility); CLISH_GET(shell, int, log_facility); CLISH_GET(shell, konf_client_t *, client);